The Marvel Solution - SUGAR FRESH

SUGAR FRESH is developed absolutely for Fruit trees to improve the growth of plant opulently. SUGAR FRESH Contains Nitrogen, Potassium, Boron, Copper, Molybdenum elements. It assures the balanced growth of the plant and increases the flowering and fruit settings. This helps to overcome the micronutrient deficiencies. SUGAR FRESH reduces the fruit drops thoroughly.


Composition Participation
Boron 9.0%
Nitrogen 4.5%
K2O 4.5%
Copper 2.4%
molybdenum 2.0%
Inerts 77.6%


  • Enhances the ability to branch and flower more in plants.
  • Sugar/starch from the photosynthetic apparatus (Leaves) moves to sink(the storage point) like flowers, roots, fruits etc.
  • Reduces flower/fruit drops and increases the quality and quantity the economic parts.
  • Increases the number of harvest and the 1000grin weight in grain seeds.
  • Enhances the vase life in flowers especially cut flowers and the keeping quality of the produces.
  • Bold, shiny with higher chroma in flowers can be obtained.
  • Water transmission in the plants is maintained properly without the developments of cracks and hard pulps in the fruits.
  • Enhances the shelf life in fruits.


Crop Time of Spray (Day of Sowing/Planting) Does/Litre No of Times @ 10 Days interval
Fruits, Flowers Vegetables, Fiber crops like cotton, pulses, onion, tuber crops, gourds and medicinal plants 15th day 3ml 5 times

Pack Sizes:

  • 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1litre.

NOTE: The information provided on this website is for reference only. Always refer to the product labels and accompanying leaflet for complete details and directions for use.
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